Thursday, January 14, 2010

Chocolate Dipped Chips!

Yum! Don't these look good! I would like to say I made them but I didn't. Ben did though and they were so good I just had to share the recipe.  We have had purchased potato chips dipped in chocolate and they were good. Ben thought why not make our own. So he did. First he bought rippled chips and spicy ones called Piri Piri. They are good and hot. You can buy them at Superstore. Then he bought really good chocolate which is the key ingredient. Lindt bars. Big honkin ones. One 70% dark as Ben loves dark. I can't stand the dark at all. I know they say to be a real chocolate connoisseure  you have to like dark chocolate but I disagree. Then of course he bought a milk chocolate bar. Then 6 bags of chips later Ben finally made them. We ate the first 4 bags of chips before they ever got to touch the chocolate. What Ben dipped the chocolate in was Butter Ganache. Ganache for those of you who don't know is " Indispensable in much of confectionery, ganache-a chocolate cream filing for cakes, cookies and other gourmet delights-is in many ways the pinnacle of the chocolate-maker's art. The basic recipe is very simple, only the chocolate and cream are essential. Once mastered, this recipe can be varied infinitely." Quote taken from Chocolate. Ben got this cookbook for Christmas last year. Great recipes inside. When he opened it he thought he had recieved a giant chocolate bar. I did too. It looks just like one. After dipping the chips in the ganache he layed them on a cookie sheet lined with waxed paper. Then stuck them in the freezer. They were so good. The milk ones that is. Enjoy making these. They are so easy to do the kids could even help.

Butter Ganache

7 oz chocolate (dark, milk, white, or a mixture)
Scant 1/2 cup creme fraiche
3 tablespoons unsalted butter
 Makes about 12oz (serves 4-6) - Prepartion time 15 minutes

1. Using a large knife, flake the chocolates into more or less regular small pieces. You could also grate them coarsely with a vegetable grater, or use ready-made chocolate buttons or drops.
2. Bring the creme fraiche to just boiling point in a pan, then remove from the heat. Add the chocolate and butter blend away from the heat.
3. When fully blended and shiny, pour the mixture into a bowl. Depending on the recipe, use it immediately or let it cool, then refrigerate.

Ben's alterations:
Instead of making creme fraiche he used 2 tbsp sour cream and about 1 cup whipped cream. Also did less butter, 1 tbsp and did not use unsalted.

1 comment:

  1. What a great recipe. I saw your site from the foodieblogroll and if you won't mind, I'd love to guide foodista readers to your site.Just add a foodista widget at the end of this blog post and it's ready to go.Thanks!
